How to download free blender model

How to download the free blender model

First, I will do a brieve description of the website I created, FreeBlenderWorld .

All the 3D models from this site are from me . I take most of the texture on and or I create them myself proceduraly with Blender . I created this website to help all 3D artist in there work . All the content of this site is free. There is no scam, I make these blender models on my free time and I’m happy to share them with other. I hope you will enjoy this website and the free blender models and backgrounds.

Let’s talk about this article .

I wrote this article to make sure you understand how to download the free blender model from this site.

Step1 : Choose the 3D model you want to download

Step2 : Click on Free Download

By clicking on Free Download it will redirect you directly to the page to review what you want to download.

Step3: Enter your Email and First name and click Free download in review page

We need your email to send you the confirmation of your download and in the futur to send you a QUIZ one time a month to better know the free model you want this month. We will NOT sent your email to any organization . We only need this information to better answer your need.

Step4: Click the underlined word, this is the file to download

The download will be in a .zip file.

This was the last step . I hope you will enjoy my work !

*Don’t hesitate to write an email to or to use the contact section if you have any questions or recommandation. You can send me your idea and your opinion about my website if you want to help me upgrade the website*
